KOKO BE GOOD updates!
Lots of things going on! KOKO BE GOOD comes out next week, September 14th! Look for it at your local bookstore, or order it off Amazon!
Those of you in the San Francisco or Los Angeles regions should come to...

...the release parties! Come pick up a copy of the book and support these awesome local comic shops with me! The San Francisco event is next Friday, September 17th, and the Los Angeles one the Friday after that, September 24th. For those of you into the Facebook thing, Mission Comics put up an event page here. Please attend!
"Koko Be Good" Book Release Party
Also, the book's been getting some nice press! Here's a quick round up of things that've gone up this month:
- First off, a really flattering review from BoingBoing. Koko Be Good: complex and satisfying graphic novel about finding meaning in lifecomplex
- Interview with me via the Wall Street Journal blog, Speakeasy: ‘Koko Be Good’: An Artist Finds Direction Through Cartoons
- In depth book interview with me on Comic Book Resources: Jen Wang's "Koko Be Good"
There should be some more links and events coming up soon and I'll post those as they come. In the meantime thank you so much to everyone who's been spreading the word and taking an interest in my work. I really love drawing comics and I hope you like what I've done!
Those of you in the San Francisco or Los Angeles regions should come to...

...the release parties! Come pick up a copy of the book and support these awesome local comic shops with me! The San Francisco event is next Friday, September 17th, and the Los Angeles one the Friday after that, September 24th. For those of you into the Facebook thing, Mission Comics put up an event page here. Please attend!
"Koko Be Good" Book Release Party
Also, the book's been getting some nice press! Here's a quick round up of things that've gone up this month:
- First off, a really flattering review from BoingBoing. Koko Be Good: complex and satisfying graphic novel about finding meaning in lifecomplex
- Interview with me via the Wall Street Journal blog, Speakeasy: ‘Koko Be Good’: An Artist Finds Direction Through Cartoons
- In depth book interview with me on Comic Book Resources: Jen Wang's "Koko Be Good"
There should be some more links and events coming up soon and I'll post those as they come. In the meantime thank you so much to everyone who's been spreading the word and taking an interest in my work. I really love drawing comics and I hope you like what I've done!
Wow, it figures this book would be released today. I just happened to be browsing the graphic novel section of my bookstore when your book catches my eye. Something about the very minimalist and lacking description of the book on the cover or the flaps, as well as the amazing artwork, made me buy it. Well really I flipped a coin--it was between this an a collection of comic shorts about Korea, but I'm glad this book won. I know nothing of your prior work, but I definitely have a good impression of it and look forward to reading your work, old and future alike. Just thought I'd drop a line somewhere and show some appreciation.
-New fan from New York
P.S. I really really do love your artwork and wonder if you've ever done a commissioned work, and would consider maybe doing it in the future?
I have been waiting a year or so now, (whenever you made the first announcement about the book) for this book to come out. Finally being able to hold it was like a dream come true for me. I sat down in the book store and promised myself I wouldn't read the whole thing but a while later I was already at the end of the book...!
I won't ramble on because I feel like I'm already creeping you out with my silly fan girl talk, but I just wanted to say its one of my best purchases of the year! Thank you so much for making this book!
My husband bought me Koko Be Good for our first anniversary. I'd been looking forward to it coming out, and it did not disappoint. Great story, beautiful artwork. The facial expressions! Thanks, Jen!
Hey Jen, been loving your comics since I saw you in Flight. Real glad to see a full-length work from you. Happened to be at B&N the other day and saw it on the shelf, so I picked it up. Great work.
I find your style very refreshing. Thanks for your contribution, I will be buying your book as soon as i can afford it.
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