KOKO available for pre-order

Over the weekend I reorganized the art section of my website a little. I also added a page for KOKO and in the process discovered it's available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.com now. On the Amazon page I think you can also read the first couple pages of the book (gulp!), so check it out.
I also added my agent's contact info on my bio page, so in the future if you have a professional query please contact her first! You can still email me personally even though I can be slow to respond.
I just wanted to tell you I read the first few pages from Amazon only to conclude that I really. Really. Love it. I mean, really. I can't wait to be able to read the whole thing, Jen!
Your fan,
Ah Jen! It's been awhile since I took a good look at your work -it's amazing! And the illustrations you've been posting here recently remind me a lot of Trina Schart Hyman.
Congratulations of Koko! I can't wait to read it. I think we'll be in the catalog together.
what a fantastic illo, jen! and i can't wait for koko!!
I absolutely loved the mini-comic, I still remember reading it the first time in middle school (I'm 19 now) and I can't even express how excited I am for your book to come out. I was wondering if you were coming to the MoCCA festival this year.
reminds me of myozaki, very cool
That is a gorgeous illustration! And I can't wait to read Koko, I love the mini comic up on your site, yay! :D
...And the book is now available for pre-order in this month's issue of Diamond Previews !
Saw your novel again, getting some good press at BoingBoing! Woot!
Hope to hear more from your blog again one of these days!
simply superb!!
Amazing work, love your fresh linework.
Hey Jen thanks for a really great book. You are quite an artist, and to me it feels like you really used your artistic abilities to convey the story - which is not easy to do! From the smaller bits I've previously seen Koko wasn't my first choice for a Jen Wang graphic novel, but having read it I wouldn't want you to change a thing. Now how long for graphic novel #2?
I got ur book yesterday and finished at the same day~~haa..It really good!! Beautiful work!!
greateful blog!
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